Red Dresses
The company "Groupe Rich", with more than 50 years of presence in the field of design and manufacture of gold and silver jewelry, while maintaining the collaborations of international houses, has now created its own brand with impressive and modern, minimal collections.
The "Rich Passion" jewels were initially designed with the greatness of the simplicity of geometric shapes in mind, while later they were shaped on perfectly elegant lines.
Rich Passion is a brand created for women, so anything related to her cannot leave us indifferent.
"Red Dresses" is a project against violence against women. They want to give a voice to the thousands of victims of systemic racism.
Jaime Black was inspired by a demonstration she witnessed in Bogotá in 2010 by the families of murdered and missing women. All of them wore red dresses.
Red is a symbol of anger, blood, but also love, passion and passion, but Black chose it because it draws attention. After all, her goal is precisely to attract attention.
The red dresses traveled to many cities in North America, but also to the garden of the Touchstones Museum of Art and History in Nelson, Canada.
On September 9, 2021, Rich Passion dresses in red and we expect all of you to travel together in red dresses all over Greece!